Pro voice over recording for radio tv commercials, telephone IVR voicemail systems, web internet flash narration, business presentations powerpoint, promos and movie trailers, auto attendant telephone systems.
Need a voice for your recording or media production?
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right here who can voice your job.
Pro voice over recording for radio tv commercials, telephone IVR voicemail systems, web internet flash narration, business presentations powerpoint, promos and movie trailers, auto attendant telephone systems.

A Professional, Creative Voice Makes All the Difference

Years ago, the Audiobook format was in it’s infancy. Limited titles were available and even the best of those were sometimes, dry and boring to listen too. Today, this has all changed. The Audiobook industry, now larger than ever, is still growing at an amazing rate. Publishers of all kinds and all genres are having their work recorded in Audio Book format. Why? More and more buyers and listeners.

Audiobooks are no longer just novels and biographies. Scripts cover all styles of writing and all areas, from national best selling novels to employee training manuals.

We live in a multitasking world. People listen to Audiobooks while they are doing something else. Listening to Audiobooks is popular while sitting in traffic just as much as sitting on the beach. Simply put, your audience numbers increase when your printed format is transferred to audio format. This opens up a new audience to your work.

Producing Audiobooks is not an easy, simple task. This is one area that requires experience, skill, and creativity. The voice talents who bring books to life are truly actors. They play a character and in most Audiobooks, several characters. The voice talents not only have to maintain consistent character throughout the entire book, they keep the story interesting for the listener, being certain to follow the author’s storyline and interpretation. Recording Audiobooks is not an area for amateurs.

Some of the best audio book talents are at Voices On Call. Voices On Call gives you the expertise to ensure you will have the perfect voice with the right sound, read style, and pacing. All Audiobook projects are recorded with experienced, creative voice artists that will bring the authors words and characters to life. As a result, the book becomes a vibrant, interesting story that draws interest from the listener.

The technical engineering and production side of audio book production is a complex project. The Voices On Call of casting agents, audio engineers, and production experts will take a hands on approach to your project to assure that production is done right and on time.

Select for one of our experienced Audio Book voice actors from our talent roster of more than 2,000 voiceover professionals. You’ll work directly with our experienced voice casting agents, production managers, and audio engineers. We do all the work for you including managing the voice recording, studio sessions, and full production in accordance with your requirements.

To get your Audiobook project started, let us know by doing one of the following:

• Search our talent pool here online for the perfect voice for your project. Once you hear a voice you would like to use, submit your project details and script to us.[Search for Voices]

• Or have us recommend the best voice artists for you. Just submit your script, or draft script, along with your project details and description of the type and sound of voice you would like to use. We will go through our talent roster and find the best voice choices for your review. [Click to Submit Your Project]

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A portion of the proceeds from jobs booked with Talents support the fight against cancer. By finding voiceover Talent here, you are helping in the fight.
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