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Pro voice over recording for radio tv commercials, telephone IVR voicemail systems, web internet flash narration, business presentations powerpoint, promos and movie trailers, auto attendant telephone systems.

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Voiceover Industry Terms - Post Production
Term refers to the studio editing work that occurs after every recording session. All recording sessions require some amount of post production.

This includes editing and cleaning up the voice, vocals, editing out unwanted noises such as breaths, adding sound effects, music, and more. Post production time is typically takes three times longer than the initial voice recording session.

Sound effects or audio effects are artificially created or enhanced sounds, or sound processes used to emphasize artistic or other content of movies, video games, music, or other media.

In motion picture and television production, a sound effect is a sound recorded and presented to make a specific storytelling or creative point without the use of dialogue or music. The term often refers to a process applied to a recording, without necessarily referring to the recording itself. In professional motion picture and television production, the segregations between dialogue, music, and sound effects recordings are quite severe, and it is important to understand that in such contexts dialogue and music recordings are never referred to as sound effects, though the processes applied to them, such as reverberation or flanging, often are.
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